Publication List 論文一覧

Publication list of scientific papers using samples provided from the Stranding Network Hokkaido


  1. Taguchi M, Ishikawa H, Matsuishi T (2010) Seasonal distribution of harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) in Japanese waters inferred from stranding and bycatch records. Mammal Study, 35, 133-138.
  2. Taguchi M, Chivers SJ, Rosel PE, Matsuishi T, Abe S (2010) Mitochondrial DNA phylogeography of the harbour porpoise Phocoena phocoena in the North Pacific. Marine Biology, 157, 1489-1498.
  3. 田口美緒子 (2010) Global genetic population structure and phylogeography of harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) inferred from mitochondrial DNA variation. 博士論文, 北海道大学, 博士(水産科学)
  4. 松田純佳 (2011) 漂着鯨類の胃内容物解析はじめました. 勇魚, 55, 32-35.(査読無し)
  5. 松田純佳, 松石隆(2012) 北海道におけるイシイルカ漂着個体の胃内容物について. 日本セトロジー研究, (22), 9-13.
  6. Ochiai M, Nomiyama K, Isobe T, Mizukawa H, Yamada TK, Tajima Y, Matsuishi T, Amano M, Tanabe S (2013) Accumulation of hydroxylated polychlorinated biphenyls (OH-PCBs) and implications for PCBs metabolic capacities in three porpoise species. Chemosphere, 92, 803-810.
  7. Kitamura S, Yamada TK, Tajima Y, Ishikawa H, Tanabe S, Nakagawa H, Uni Y, Abe S (2013) Two genetically distinct stocks in Baird’s beaked whale (Cetacea: Ziphiidae). Marine Mammal Science, 29, 755-766.
  8. 松田純佳 (2013) 北海道イルカストランディング調査〜現場出動24時. セトケンニューズレター, 32, 4-4.(査読無し)
  9. 北村志乃 (2014) Molecular phylogenetic studies on the Odontoceti, with special reference to the family Ziphiidae and Delphinidae. 博士論文, 北海道大学, 博士(水産科学)
  10. Nomiyama K, Kanbara C, Ochiai M, Eguchi A, Mizukawa H, Isobe T, Matsuishi T, YamadaTK, Tanabe S (2014) Halogenated phenolic contaminants in the blood of marine mammals from Japanese coastal waters. Marine Environmental Research, 93, 15-22.
  11. Murase M, Tajima Y, Okamoto M, Matsuishi T, Yamada TK, Asakawa M (2014) An ectoparasite and epizoite from a western gray whale (Eschrichtius robustus) stranded on Tomakomai, Hokkaido, Japan. Journal of Rakuno Gakuen University, 38, 149-152.
  12. Endo T, Kimura O, Sato R, Kobayashi M, Matsuda A, Matsuishi T, Haraguchi K (2014) Stable isotope ratios of carbon, nitrogen and oxygen in killer whales (Orcinus orca) stranded on the coast of Hokkaido, Japan. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 86, 238-243.
  13. Hashimoto O, Ohtsuki H, Kakizaki T, Amou K, Sato R, Doi S, Kobayashi S, Matsuda A, Sugiyama M, Funaba M, Matsuishi T, Terasawa F, Shindo J, Endo H (2014) Brown adipose tissue in cetacean blubber. PLoS ONE, 10, e0116734.
  14. Kuroda M, Sasaki M, Yamada K, Miki N, Matsuishi T (2015) Tissue physical property of the harbor porpoise Phocoena phocoena for investigation of the sound emission process. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 138, 1451-1456.
  15. Nakamura T, Kimura O, Matsuda A, Matsuishi T, Kobayashi M, Endo T (2015) Radiocesium contamination of cetaceans stranded along the coast of Hokkaido, Japan, and an estimation of their travel routes. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 535, 1-9.
  16. 黒田実加, 佐々木基樹, 山田一孝, 三木信弘, 植草康浩, 天野雅男, 小林万里, 山田格, 松石隆 (2015) イルカの発音器官の解剖学的構造と超音波の音響学的性質の関係, 海洋音響学会2015年度研究発表会講演論文集, 15-16. (査読無し)
  17. 黒田実加 (2016) 第21回国際海棲哺乳類学会への参加. 勇魚, 64, 51-53.(査読無し)
  18. Kuroda M, Sasaki M, Yamada K, Miki N, Amano M, Yamada TK, Matsuishi T (2016) Tissue physical property in the head of small toothed whales: Effect on the clicks propagation and directivity. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 140, 3302-3302.
  19. Anezaki K, Matsuda A, Matsuishi T (2017) Concentration and congener pattern of polychlorinated biphenyls in blubber and liver of Hubbs’ beaked whale (Mesoplodon carlhubbsi), using a sulfoxide and an Ag-ION solid phase extraction cartridge as a simplified cleanup technique for biological samples. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 113, 282-286.
  20. 松田純佳 (2017) 日本周辺海域における小型ハクジラの食性. 博士論文, 北海道大学, 博士(水産科学)
  21. 松石隆, 松田純佳, 黒田実加, 佐藤雅彦, 佐藤里恵, 石川創(2017) 利尻島における鯨類漂着等記録(~2015). 利尻研究, 36, 83-88. (査読無し)
  22. 黒田実加 (2017) 小型ハクジラ類のクリックス放射過程―発音器官の構造とクリックスの性質―. 勇魚, 66, 14-19.(査読無し)
  23. Ochiai M, Nomiyama K, Isobe T, Yamada TK, Tajima Y, Matsuda A, Shiozaki A, Matsuishi T, Amano M, Iwata H, Tanabe S (2017) Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) and their hydroxylated and methoxylated analogues in the blood of harbor, Dall’s and finless porpoises from the Japanese coastal waters. Marine Environmental Research, 128, 124-132.
  24. Kurihara N, Tajima Y, Yamada TK, Matsuda A, Matsuishi T (2017) Description of the karyotypes of Stejneger’s beaked whale (Mesoplodon stejnegeri) and Hubbs’ beaked whale (M. carlhubbsi). Genetics and Molecular Biology, 40, 803-807.
  25. Fujii Y, Kato Y, Sakamoto K, Matsuishi T, Harada K, Koizumi A, Kimura O, Endo T, Haraguchi K (2018) Tissue-specific bioaccumulation of long-chain perfluorinated carboxylic acids and halogenated methylbipyrroles in Dall’s porpoises (Phocoenoides dalli) and harbor porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) stranded in northern Japan. Science of the Total Environment, 616-617, 554-563.
  26. 黒田実加 (2018) 小型ハクジラ類の頭部発音器官におけるクリックスの伝搬経路と周波数帯域決定過程の音響学的検討. 博士論文, 北海道大学, 博士(水産科学)
  27. Nakagun S, Shiozaki A, Ochiai M, Matsuda A, Tajima Y, Matsuishi T, Watanabe K, Horiuchi N, Kobayashi Y (2018) Prominent hepatic ductular reaction induced by Oschmarinella macrorchis in a Hubbs’ beaked whale Mesoplodon carlhubbsi, with biological notes. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms, 127, 177-192.
  28. Higashisaka H, Matsuishi T, Akamatsu T (2018) Presence and behavior of harbor porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) around set nets revealed using passive acoustic monitoring. Fisheries Research, 204, 269-274.
  29. 進藤順治, 関澤健太, 岡田あゆみ, 松井菜月, 松田純佳, 松石隆(2018) ミンククジラ新生仔の舌形態. 日本野生動物医学会誌, 23, 77-82.
  30. Kuroda M, Sasaki M, Yamada K, Miki N, Matsui N, Matsuishi T (2018) Click emission in Dall’s porpoise Phocoenoides dalli, focusing on physical properties of tissues. PLoS ONE, 13, e0202426.
  31. Fujii Y, Kato Y, Sakamoto K, Matsuishi T, Harada K, Koizumi A, Kimura O, Endo T, Haraguchi K (2018) Different profiles of naturally produced and anthropogenic organohalogens in the livers of cetaceans from the Sea of Japan and the North Pacific Ocean. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 136, 230-242.
  32. 松石隆 (2018) 『出動!イルカ・クジラ110番 : 海岸線3066kmから視えた寄鯨の科学』海文堂出版, 東京 126pp. ISBN:9784303800024
  33. 黒田実加 (2018) ハクジラ類のクリックス周波数はどこで決まる?―解剖学と音響学で未踏の謎にせまる―. 勇魚, 69, 17-23.(査読無し)
  34. Nakagun S, Watanabe K, Matsuishi T, Kobayashi M, Kobayashi Y (2019) Surveillance of amyloidosis in stranded and bycaught cetaceans off Hokkaido, Japan. Journal of Veterinary Medical Science, 81, 897-902.
  35. Maezawa T, Matsuishi T, Ito K, Kaji S, Tsunokawa M, Kawahara JI (2019) The effects of visual impediment on the approaching behavior of harbor porpoise, Phocoena phocoena. Mammal Study, 44, 205-213.
  36. Yamada TK, Kitamura S, Abe S, Tajima Y, Matsuda A, Mead JG, Matsuishi TF (2019) Description of a new species of beaked whale (Berardius) found in the North Pacific. Scientific Reports, 9, 1-14.
  37. 松田純佳 (2019) 死体に学ぶクジラ・イルカの秘密 何を食べているか―それからわかること, 生物の科学 遺伝 73, 5, 453-462.(査読無し)
  38. 黒田実加 (2019) 死体に学ぶクジラ・イルカの秘密 鼻とあごで「見る」イルカ―エコーロケーションのひみつ, 生物の科学 遺伝 73, 5, 477-481.(査読無し)
  39. 松石隆・黒田実加 (2019) イルカの発声. (分担執筆)『生き物と音の辞典』 生物音響学会編, 朝倉書店, 東京. ISBN:9784254171679
  40. 松石隆・黒田実加 (2019) イルカの聴覚. (分担執筆)『生き物と音の辞典』 生物音響学会編, 朝倉書店, 東京. ISBN:9784254171679
  41. 中郡翔太郎 (2020) 野生鯨類の疾病に関する病理学的研究 -特にアミロイドーシスと肝吸虫症について―. 博士論文, 岐阜大学, 博士(獣医学)
  42. Ohishi K, Amano M, Nakamatsu K, Miyazaki N, Tajima Y, Yamada TK, Matsuda A, Ochiai M, Matsuishi TF, Taru H, Iwao H, Maruyama T (2020) Serologic survey of Brucella infection in cetaceans inhabiting along the coast of Japan. Journal of Veterinary Medical Science, 82, 43-46.
  43. Matsui N, Matsuda A, Matsuishi TF (2020) Diet of harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) around Hokkaido, Japan. Aquatic Mammals, 46, 183-190.
  44. Kuroda M, Miki N, Matsuishi TF (2020) Clicks sound frequency characteristics determinants of small toothed whales — recent advances in anatomical information. Mammal Review 50(4) 413-425.
  45. Isaji Y, Ogawa NO, Takano Y, Ohkouchi N. (2020). Quantification and carbon and nitrogen isotopic measurements of heme B in environmental samples. Analytical Chemistry, 92, 11213-11222.
  46. 松田純佳, 松石隆, 石川創, 山田格 (2020) 1992年から2002年における北海道松前町の鯨類漂着記録. 日本セトロジー研究 (30) 7-10.
  47. Matsuda A, Yamada TK, Tajima Y, Kunisue T, Amano M, Matsuishi TF (2021) Diet of mass-stranded striped dolphins (Stenella coeruleoalba) in southern Japan (East China Sea). Mammal Study 46(1) 1-8.
  48. Endo T, Kimura O, Terasaki M, Kobayashi M (2021) Body length, stable carbon, and nitrogen isotope ratios and mercury levels in common minke whales stranded along the coast of Hokkaido, Japan. Aquatic Mammals 47(1), 86-95.
  49. Maeda S, Sakurai K, Akamatsu T, Matsuda A, Yamamura O, Kobayashi M, Matsuishi TF (2021) Foraging activity of harbour porpoises around a bottom-gillnet in a coastal fishing ground, under the risk of bycatch. PLoS ONE 16(2): e0246838.
  50. Katahira H, Matsuda A, Banzai A, Eguchi Y, Matsuishi TF (2021) Gastric ulceration caused by Anisakis simplex sensu stricto in a harbor porpoise from the Western Pacific stock, with a molecular approach. Parasitology International 83: 102327.
  51. 松井菜月 (2021) 日本沿岸に生息するネズミイルカPhocoena phocoenaの成長,成熟と食性. 博士論文, 北海道大学, 博士(水産科学)
  52. 松田純佳 (2021) 鯨類の食性. (分担執筆)『海棲哺乳類大全 : 彼らの体と生き方に迫る』 田島木綿子, 山田格編, 緑書房, 東京. ISBN:9784895315883
  53. 黒田実加 (2021) 鯨類のエコーのしくみ,音を出す/聴くしくみ. (分担執筆)『海棲哺乳類大全 : 彼らの体と生き方に迫る』 田島木綿子, 山田格編, 緑書房, 東京. ISBN:9784895315883
  54. Matsui N, Sasaki M, Kobayashi M, Shindo J, Matsuishi TF (2021) Growth and reproduction in the Western Pacific subspecies of the harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) inhabiting Hokkaido, Japan. Aquatic Mammals, 47(2), 185-195.
  55. 松田純佳, 松石隆 (2021) 北海道にストランディングしたコマッコウの胃内容物. 日本セトロジー研究 (31) 5-9.
  56. 松田純佳 (2021) 『クジラのおなかに入ったら』, ナツメ社, 東京. ISBN:4816371052
  57. Katahira H, Matsuda AT, Maeda S, Yoshida E, Banzai A, Matsuishi TF (2022) Diphyllobothrium stemmacephalum (Cestoda: Diphyllobothriidae) found from a harbor porpoise in northern Japan, with comments on a geographical gap with human infection cases in southern Japan. Parasitology International, 87, 102487.
  58. Acebes JMV, Yamada TK, Poniente JA, Matsuda AT, Dolar MLL, Espiritu MM, Tan JML, Santos MD (2022) Strandings of Longman’s beaked whale (Indopacetus pacificus) in the Philippines. J. Cetacean Res. Manage., 23(1), 81-107.
  59. 楊柳 (2023) Research on Microplastics in Marine Life in the Coastal Areas of Japan. 博士論文,北海道大学,博士(食資源学)
  60. Bachara W, Kuroda M, Nishida S, Ishikawa H, Matsuishi TF (2023) Northernmost record of the Ginkgo-toothed beaked whale (Mesoplodon ginkgodens). Aquatic Mammals, 49(4), 356-365.
  61. Yang L, Matsuda A T, Kawaguchi T, Fortunato H, Matsuishi T F (2023) Analysis of microplastics in the intestines of stranded cetaceans. AACL Bioflux, 16(5) 2746-2756.
  62. Matsuda A T, Matsuishi T F, Noto F, Amano M, Tajima Y, & Yamada T K (2023) Notes on stomach contents of pygmy and dwarf sperm whales (Kogia spp.) from around Japan. Advances in Marine Biology, 96, 1-24.
  63. Bachara W, Kuroda M, Nishida S, Ishikawa H, Matsuishi TF (2023) Northernmost record of the Ginkgo-toothed beaked whale (Mesoplodon ginkgodens). Aquatic Mammals, 49(4) 356-365.
  64. Yang L, Matsuda AT Kawaguchi T, Fortunato H, Matsuishi TF (2023) Analysis of microplastics in the intestines of stranded cetaceans. AACL Bioflux, 16(5) 2746-2756.
  65. Tage K, Tsunokawa M, Ishikawa H, Matsuishi TF (2023) A method to quantify social relationships between captive odontocetes based on distances between individuals during synchronous breathing. AACL Bioflux, 16(6) 3227-3239.
  66. Takeuchi H, Matsuishi TF, Hayakawa T (2024) A tradeoff evolution between acoustic fat bodies and skull muscles in toothed whales. Gene, 901 148167-148167.
  67. Endo T, Kimura O, Terasaki M, Fujii Y, Haraguchi K, Kato Y (2024) Comparison of carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen stable isotope ratios and mercury concentrations in muscle tissues of five beaked whale species and sperm whales stranded in Hokkaido, Japan. Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies, 2024:1-21. doi:10.1080/10256016.2024.2352373
  68. Endo T, Kimura O, Terasaki M, Kato Y, Fujii Y, Haraguchi K (2024) Changes in Carbon, Nitrogen, and Oxygen Stable Isotope Ratios and Mercury Concentrations in Killer Whales (Orcinus orca) during and after Lactation. Mar Journal of Marine Science and Engineering. 12(4) 623. doi:10.3390/jmse12040623

最終更新日: 2024/6/6